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SentiChat – emotional chatbot

Understanding the Customer Before They Even Speak

Today’s customers demand more than just quick and efficient service. They seek empathy and understanding. Sentimenti, a leading provider of emotion analysis solutions, introduces a groundbreaking tool that elevates customer service to a new level: SentiChat – the Empathetic Chatbot.

How does the Empathetic Chatbot work?

Powered by Sentimenti’s advanced artificial intelligence, SentiChat can read emotions in real-time from any chat conversation. Whether it’s a website chat, mobile app, or social media platform, Sentimenti analyzes every customer utterance and identifies the dominant emotions.

Benefits for Your Business

  • Personalized Service: By understanding customer emotions, the chatbot can tailor its responses, ensuring more empathetic and effective communication.
  • Early Problem Detection: The system automatically detects situations where customers are experiencing negative emotions, such as anger or frustration. This allows you to respond quickly and prevent conflict escalation.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Customers appreciate being heard and understood. This leads to increased loyalty and referrals.
  • Optimized Agent Work: The chatbot handles routine tasks, allowing agents to focus on more complex issues and building stronger customer relationships.
  • Valuable Data for Analysis: Sentimenti provides detailed reports that allow you to analyze communication effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your customer service strategy.

Empathetic Chatbot Workflow

  • Conversation Initiation: Your chatbot starts the conversation with the customer by asking questions and gathering information.
  • Emotion Analysis: Throughout the conversation, Sentimenti analyzes the customer’s statements, identifying dominant emotions.
  • Response Adaptation: The chatbot adjusts its response scenarios based on the customer’s emotions. If the customer expresses anger or frustration, the chatbot can switch to a more empathetic tone and offer specific solutions.
  • Escalation to Operator: If the customer’s emotions reach a high level of negativity, the system automatically transfers the conversation to an operator who can provide more personalized support.
  • Conversation Summary: After the conversation ends, Sentimenti generates a detailed summary, including information about the conversation flow, the customer’s dominant emotions, and the effectiveness of the solutions applied.

Applications of the Empathetic Chatbot

  • Customer Service: The Empathetic Chatbot excels in customer service, answering frequently asked questions, resolving issues, and directing customers to the appropriate departments.
  • Market Research: Sentimenti can be used to conduct market research and analyze customer opinions on products and services.
  • Recruitment: The Empathetic Chatbot can be applied in recruitment processes to assess candidates’ communication skills.
  • Psychological Support: Sentimenti can be used to create chatbots that offer psychological support to individuals experiencing emotional difficulties.

Case study | global chatbot solutions provider

At the client’s request, we anonymized the data. The cooperation consists of providing the client with real-time emotional analysis on the following sides: client, operator and bot. The goal is to improve communication, avoid difficult situations, respond empathetically and take care of the customer emotionally, qualitatively evaluate the operators’ work.


Sentimenti’s Empathetic Chatbot is an innovative solution that allows for a deeper understanding of customers’ needs and emotions. This enables you to provide more personalized, effective, and satisfying service while building stronger relationships with your customers.

Want to Learn More?

Contact us today to discover all the possibilities offered by Sentimenti’s Empathetic Chatbot.   Report to download:  

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