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Negative emotions in marketing – what is their role and why should they be studied?

Negative emotions in marketing – what is their role and why should they be studied?

In marketing, advertising and customer communication, negative emotions tend to be overlooked. No wonder. Companies, brand owners or agencies – everyone prefers to know what positively attaches customers to a brand or product, what customers have a good experience, an experience, what finally makes a consumer a customer and why they return to buy later. Sales are what counts! But from a research perspective, negative emotions are valuable.

Analyzing negative emotions is important from the brand’s point of view, to say the least. Suppose a product sells badly, or an advertising campaign is not successful. Then, by studying the emotions of customers, you can find out what they feel and how this translates into the perception of the product or campaign. Today we are talking about why it is worthwhile to study negative emotions in marketing and communications as well.

Negative emotions are… positive.

At the outset, let’s clarify beyond a shadow of a doubt: we will treat the phrase “negative emotions” in this article exclusively as a key word (and even a crowbar word!). All emotions that arise in us are necessary, and all of them also have their concrete consequences in action, so they are positive. By negative emotions we will mean here those whose common social perception has a contrasting connotation opposite to concepts like joy, surprise, or admiration.

Sadness, anger, fear, disgust… what are they, and what are they for?

Among the eight basic emotions (as in previous articles – we talk about them in the context of Plutchik’s theory), those having a negative or rather unpleasant to feel context include sadness, anger, fear, and disgust.


It is an emotion of loss. It will appear, for example, in a situation of loss of an important person, loss of material resources, inability to achieve a goal set for oneself or to satisfy a particular need. It is usually accompanied by other unpleasant emotions, sensations, and reactions from the body.

Sadness is one of the most essential human emotions for the reason that without it it is impossible… to feel joy. It also indicates what is significant to a person and can be a motivating factor to transform this emotion into action and achieve the desired goal. Related behaviors to sadness include passivity, numbness, isolation, surrender, and self-criticism.


This is an emotion that people are very much afraid of. At the same time, however, it is the one that in a crisis gives a person the most energy and motivation to act. Anger initiates fight or flight. It builds tension and alertness, causes the release of adrenaline – so it corresponds to the physiological response to stress.

Anger is a signal of disagreement and a response to threats. It appears when boundaries are violated and when needs are not met. It can lead to impulsive confrontation and even aggression against the cause of the emotion. However, it can be and directed at the feeler himself or be aggregated into sadness or a range of other emotions.


It is a reaction to danger. It often occurs with anger, and its intensity increases with the level of danger. It can sometimes turn into anxiety. Fear is a powerful motivator for action. It appears when there is a threat to, for example, health, life, possessions, when comparing the current situation to an analogous one in the past, when recalling a difficult situation, or when witnessing an event in which someone is being harmed.

Fear can activate even in the face of thoughts or imaginings. Behaviors of a person in fear include excessive focus on threatening factors, narrowing of attention, distraction, sometimes loss of self-control.


It is an emotion of a warning nature: It informs about health and life threats, such as poisoned or stale food, dangerous plants and animals, contagiously ill people, etc. Repulsion can activate in unpleasant, rejecting situations. We won’t list here specific examples of when it occurs, so as not to trigger a revulsion reflex in readers!

Negative emotions in marketing – why study them?

Planning communications, marketing and advertising campaigns or customer service cannot be unsupported by the emotions of the audience. Yet, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article, emotions with negative overtones are usually consistently overlooked in such activities.

Wrongly. With such an approach, we lose the rich palette of emotions (both primary and secondary) that help us evaluate the feelings, attitudes, and reactions of some target audience of our activities. And after all, these activities do not bring only positive effects and associations. After all, both positive and negative emotions can be excellent catalysts for action in marketing communications.

And – more importantly – particular negative emotions entail specific behavioral reactions from consumers, which a marketer or a public relations officer should anticipate in order to take countermeasures in advance.

These reactions are primarily:

  • brand detachment,
  • brand switching,
  • negative PTO,
  • complaints and claims.

What opportunities does emotion analysis offer in this regard?

By checking negative reactions (e.g., in social media comments, under articles, products, statements in forums, etc.), we can define and outline the space where people with certain prejudices or using negative stereotypes and heuristics will be found. Through emotion analysis, we will estimate their percentage and be able to correct our communication in the future, which will improve its effectiveness.

Using emotion analysis in text (a step further than just sentiment analysis), we can also see what kind of negative emotions our audience feels. Are they anger, fear and sadness, or rather more complex, multi-layered emotions.

Here again, let’s emphasize the superiority of emotion analysis over sentiment analysis. Consumers feeling anger, disgust, or sadness will be classified as feeling negative sentiment. However, emotion analysis will indicate that consumers feeling sadness will show a tendency to withdraw and be inactive. Meanwhile, those feeling anger will rather confront and try to remove the cause of their anger.

This is an important piece of information. After all, negative emotions can be harnessed to marketing and advertising efforts in such a case, provided, however, that the brand applying such a procedure hastens a solution that brings relief. One just has to remember not to overdo it with these negative emotions. When consumers are unsure of how the brand intends to solve their tension – they will leave.

How do consumers who show negative emotions behave?

Now let’s look at the different emotions in terms of their impact on the relationship with a particular brand or product.

Anger towards the brand and the behaviors that manifest it

Anger can be shown by consumers through indignation, irritation or resentment in varying degrees. Such a state can manifest itself when, for example, a brand strikes at the principals of its audience, when its actions are overly pushy or provocative. Anger will cause frustrated customers to become active. It is also an emotion that stimulates taking action to find a solution on one’s own to neutralize this emotion.

Customer anger is often caused by product failure or other situations where the company is clearly to blame. Customers often get angry when a product fails them or they experience other problems that are clearly the company’s fault. And even more so when it is easy to prove its responsibility for causing the defect. In this case, the reaction of consumers will be to file complaints, write grievances, etc. In addition, they will show their dissatisfaction by spreading negative opinions about the company (negative WOM). Finally, they will be eager to confront the company in the form of protests, boycotts, etc.

Interestingly, in the so-called cross, that is, the combination of felt primary emotions, anger is not infrequently accompanied by shame, for example, in the form of a sense of humiliation. A simple mechanism is at work here: the manifestation of anger will occur due to embarrassment or humiliation precisely. It is worth knowing that in such a situation, the behavioral reactions of both emotions will be very similar to each other.

Shame is also an emotion whose manifestation will occur when the consumer experiences inconvenience due to his own interaction towards a particular brand. Under such circumstances, consumer behavior may steer toward re-building a relationship with the brand, but already on a different basis. This relationship is definitely not going to occur in the manifestation of sadness, where a passive attitude will prevail.

Disgust – what it manifests itself as

This negative emotion will arise when a brand strikes at consumers’ core values, e.g., violates labor rights, uses reprehensible market practices, conducts environmental robbery, tests products on animals, etc. Consumers’ response to feeling revulsion will definitely be to switch to competing brands (brand switching). Negative WOM (word of mouth) can also often be observed. Manifestations of disgust can also be aggressive actions directed against the brand, such as organizing protests and boycotts.

Fear – how consumers who feel it react

It is associated with feelings of anxiety, a state of insecurity and insecurity. Customers feel fear when they perceive something in a brand or product that disturbs their aforementioned sense of security. This feeling, even subjective, will, over time, project negatively on the brand that the consumer feels threatens him.

Fear is absolutely a stimulant for action. Unlike anger, however, the action taken by customers is not to attack the source of frustration, but to run away from it and avoid an unpleasant confrontation. And this is what happens to brands that, in the opinion of customers, for example, pursue overly aggressive marketing policies – consumers avoid confronting them.

As a result, they develop attitudes such as reluctance to try a new product or use the company’s services in general (brand detachment). On the other hand, when they need a product with certain parameters, however, they may initiate a switch to a competing brand (brand switching).

Sadness and its manifestations in behavior

Sadness (and all its shades) is an emotion characterized by directing energy inward, into oneself (as is anger). Saddened consumers withdraw from interactions with brands and – often – from public space (including social media) in general. In consumers’ actions, sadness tends to be reflected in moving to a competing company and choosing an analogous product or service.

Sadness typically manifests itself jointly with fear because the behavioral reactions in both cases are similar. Causing withdrawal and passivity, sadness has the same effects for the brand as fear, the result of which is a flight from the relationship. Sadness, however, will not induce actions besides severing the relationship with the brand (and possibly brand switching), while fear can also initiate negative comments, filing complaints, writing complaints, denunciations, etc.

What else can cause negative emotions when it comes to marketing?

So, what is it that can consequently trigger consumer reactions toward a brand? There are several factors, such as:

  • an inappropriate name or an annoying advertising slogan,
  • excessive focus on one target group and preparation of advertising activities with only them in mind, resulting in the inability of others to identify with the brand,
  • advertising narrative that is incompatible with reality,
  • outdated, almost old-fashioned ideas for advertising campaigns,
  • unpleasant impressions caused by direct contact with the point of sale or product,
  • the company’s pursuit of a negatively perceived policy.

A consumer’s dissatisfaction with a brand policy most often leads to his expression of anger. The reason is usually the company’s lack of response or a response that is inappropriate from that person’s perspective. These factors cause an escalation of tension, resulting again in anger or even hatred.

Anger and dissatisfaction are commonly experienced negative emotions by customers towards a particular brand

Having a high power of affective action, these emotions cause a reaction in various forms. Therefore, from the point of view of companies, it is important to analyze one’s own actions in terms of the emotions that will be triggered in consumers. After all, by analyzing emotions, one can try to stop the angry and disgruntled from showing aggression. As a result, you can make sure they don’t file complaints and grievances, spread negative information or, finally, leave for a company that is less frustrating and offers analogous products or services.

Modern marketing tools. From studying negative emotions to using them

The most common consequences of consumers’ negative emotions are that they abandon the brand in question and move on to a competitor, and spread negative information. For these people, it is much easier, less stressful and requires less effort than even filling out a complaint form and sending it to the relevant unit of the company.

In such a situation, the company has to face loss of profits, a drop in sales and a decrease in the group of customers for its products. Moreover, it basically knows nothing about the reasons for such behavior of existing customers. If only for this reason, emotion analysis with a focus on negative emotions is so recommendable.

But that’s not all. Negative emotions carry a range of information that can be used in communications, advertising and marketing. Knowing the reasons for the occurrence of such emotions in their audience, a company, or brand can correct its policy in a given area, but also take up the fight to improve its position in the market.

How? Simply diagnose the negative emotions of your product’s target audience, but in the context of competing brands. Then you can use them to:

  • make consumers more permanently attached to their brand (show the flaws of the competition to your customers),
  • reducing brand switching,
  • targeting your competitors’ audiences more effectively.

In marketing and advertising, brands even use strategies based on constructing activities that arouse strictly negative emotions

Of course, the assumption is that as soon as they are aroused, the recipients will be provided with a feeling of relief. Examples of this are most often found in social campaigns.

Emotional ad positioning and emotional ads

Emotional ad positioning and emotional ads

Emotywne pozycjonowanie reklam, czyli targetowanie reklam wg emocji od niedawna nabrało nowego wymiaru. Okazało się, że komunikat można oprzeć nie tylko o kontekst, analizę ruchu na stronie, badania demograficzne, płeć i wiek ankietowanych, ale po dane sięgnąć też niemal w głąb ich serc. Jak to możliwe? Wystarczy rozpoznać ich emocje.

Emotional ad positioning and example: New York Times

In 2018, the New York Times conducted a study on the emotions of its readers. This was based on self-learning algorithms and combined with an analysis of feedback collected from readers about how they felt after reading the content of specific articles. The result of this research was an emotion prediction tool that indicates joy, sadness, hope, and 15 other emotions in readers, among others.

Not content to let this tool predict the emotions that NYT readers might potentially experience while reading future articles, the company went straight to selling advertising space. It was offered to owners of products with emotional character close to the emotions contained in the given articles. The possibilities turned out to be impressive: the tool made it possible to examine and create the emotional content of a given article and to better match the marketing message to it.

Marketing content so emotionally targeted and appropriately placed among other content achieved up to 80% better results than classic behavioural targeting (on average by 40%). The tool even made it possible to separate content with negative or disturbing undertones, so as not to add advertising messages that might fit the content or the reader’s profile, but are completely inconsistent with the tone of the text: New York Times.

Emotion targeting – emotional ads: perspectives

The agorithm can be applied not only to the articles contained on this site, but also to news and publications of other types. Therefore, it opened a whole new field for campaign creators. This resulted in 50 campaigns and over 30 million collected feelings, sentiments and emotions. Advertising messages were usually placed next to entertainment or corporate social responsibility content.

Interestingly, similar research was conducted in other editorial offices, including USA Today and The Daily Beast. The analysis was based on phrases (keywords) and emotions related to their meanings, and an attempt to answer the question of what mood current readers of a given text are in based on behavioral analysis of their actions on the website and frequency of returning to specific, emotionally charged content.

USA Today’s research has shown that readers don’t limit themselves to positive news, but read everything. This means you can target your message to them not only when the context is similar to the rest of the content, but also when readers are in a similar mood to the context of the content. Therefore, such a method allows you to more effectively create content for better communication of brands.

The Daily Beast, on the other hand, instead of trying to guess moods, indicates where on the site readers will spend the most time; in these popular places it tries to contextually place the marketing message. All based on positive emotions and negative emotions in advertising.

The future of the advertising market?

The described activities based on data analysis, algorithms and artificial intelligence are beginning to be the future of the advertising and public relations market. How do the market of ordering parties perceive these new solutions? It would seem that with such precise tools for targeting recipients, there is no need to worry about anything else. And yet opinions are divided.

According to some experts, basing a campaign solely on such “bought emotionality” is one-dimensional, restricts and narrows the field of activity and should therefore be associated with other methods of communication. On the other hand, it is an excellent solution for companies looking for safe solutions, making their marketing message more precise and targeting the most determined customers.

Sentimenti and emotional advertising. Identifying emotions in online advertising

Since the New York Times includes emotion ad positioning on its pages, the solution must work and be effective. Positive and negative emotions are taken into account. Is it possible to apply similar mechanisms in Polish?

Until now, this was not at all obvious. Algorithms for automatic processing of our language have been improved to such an extent that they are great for text analysis. But what about the emotions expressed in them? Until now there was no database of words, phrases or even whole texts written in Polish.

That is why the Sentimenti team created it. The database was created in the course of research we talk about on the blog and at academic conferences. It turned out that with good data it is possible to create an effective system of sentiment and emotion analysis and with it – ad positioning.

Interia Emotions – different emotions, one goal

We are now at a similar stage to where the New York Times was about a year ago. We have an application that efficiently analyzes text and the emotions it contains. We have started cooperation with Interia portal – we are creating an emotional map of its thematic services. From here it is only one step closer to taking the overtones of an article into account in ad positioning.

What is very important, emotive ad positioning does not mean additional duties for journalists. We will not tell anyone what emotions to express, because in practice each emotion creates an appropriate environment for ads. Text has a sad meaning? It is best to place an ad with ecological overtones. It expresses fear? This is a good context for pairing the article with an ad for insurance or dietary supplements.

The next step of the Interia Emotions project will be to investigate how exactly emotions in text react with ads. Therefore, when we check this, emotive and effective ad positioning will become a fact. Such a tool will certainly prove useful. Ads positioned based on the content of articles (rather than tracking the activity of Internet users) are less irritating for them.


Emotions in words: using Sentimenti in the advertising and marketing sector

Emotions in words: using Sentimenti in the advertising and marketing sector

Emotions and marketing? Communication with clients and contractors, searching for new customers and markets for goods or services, public relations policy, social media activities, advertising and generally building the company’s image – these issues require business to collect data and make informed decisions based on them leading to the development of the organization. Today, thanks to Sentimenti’s emotion analysis tools all these activities can be conducted more effectively.

Emotions in brand communication

The capabilities of the tools for analysing emotions in text developed at Sentimenti are still being tested and extended by our research team. We decided to examine advertising content with them. This is a demanding area. The advertising message has to be short, catch the attention, be memorable. Above all, it has to be suggestive so as to induce a specific behavior of potential customers. To do this, it is best to hit their emotions. From the research conducted in this matter it is known that the marketing message with an emotional foundation is more effective, and from practice – that emotions, even the negative ones, sometimes can provide a brand with exposure in the media and social media for a long time.

We analyzed the content of several advertisements in terms of their emotional overtones and the valence of 8 basic emotions from the Plutchik model. For the study we used advertising content related to AA Prestige (cosmetics line), Plus (telecommunications), Citi Handlowy (external factoring), Renault (Kangoo Express model) and Shell (Shell Helix oil).

The analysis confirmed the results of the research – advertising content characterized by positive emotions (joy, trust, expectation) is more likely to be remembered by recipients and to inspire trust in a given brand. But that’s not all – the in-depth analysis of emotions in advertising content has also shown that even a single word (also a function word!) can be associated with several emotions at the same time.

Consequently, it is not always possible to avoid negative sentiment in advertising content. You can always check this content with Sentimenti. In this way you can better match the content and form of your marketing message to your target group. Sentimenti will show you emotional connotations where the popular two-dimensional sentiment analysis does not show any. This is a big advantage when you have more cross-sectional data to analyze. Interestingly, however, some advertising campaigns (especially in political marketing) are based on negative or at least controversial emotions. Why?

The recipient processes them faster. They are more memorable and evoke a desire for action: most anger and the repulsion leading to it, fear and…. surprise. Research shows that the recipients will remember above all this negative emotional environment, not the brand and the advertised product. Unless, of course, we skillfully reverse the sign of emotions. But to do that you need to know what words evoke what emotions. We at Sentimenti have such knowledge, we also have algorithms to evaluate emotionality in content. We can share them with you.

Emotional targeting now works

Emotions transfer easily. And not just between people, but also, as research shows, between words. Based on this insight, the NYT, USA Today, The Daily Beast and other U.S. editors have begun emotionally positioning advertising content around articles with a given message. Algorithms built in collaboration with the editors analyze readers’ opinions of articles and try to answer the question of what their reactions will be in similar content so as to match them later with the best possible ad content placed in the vicinity.

This solution allows you to create and place content more contextually, which translates into greater brand marketing effectiveness. At Sentimenti we understand the needs of both publishers and advertisers in this field. That’s why we started working with Interia Group in the pioneering InteriaEmotions project on the Polish market. Together, we work on matching the emotional context of advertising content with the content of publications. All this so that companies and agencies can benefit from the advantages of this type of positioning. We presented the results of our work at the IAB Conference in Warsaw.

Why should you start working with Sentimenti? Algorithms, machine learning and other modern technologies are increasingly active in the public space. Business is increasingly willing to use these methods. A human being cannot analyse a huge amount of data quickly. He needs to use artificial intelligence to do it better and more efficiently. This is especially true for emotions, which are perceived individually and therefore difficult to objectify.

At Sentimenti we understand this direction. Therefore, while maintaining scientific standards, we develop algorithms to analyse emotions in content of various types. Our tools have proven effective at analyzing emotions in ad content, comparing them, showing correlations, trend direction, etc. This is a massive range of data. It usually takes months to acquire and analyse. It requires an objective indicator to measure emotions. After all, several people, independently of each other, may evaluate a text in a similar or different way. The goal of effective emotion analysis is to understand what the standard is for such evaluation.

If you are interested in improving the emotionality (and thus the effectiveness and increasing the reach) of your advertising messages, if you want to write more engaging posts in social media, if you need an analysis of your current activities or an indication of the direction of their development – we invite you to contact Sentimenti!