Sanah is an artist who is more and more widely known in Poland. In many reviews we can read that...
Product reviews and the emotions within them. Why are they so important?
Product reviews are extremely important for businesses. It doesn't matter if it's a local small...
Arousal and emotions in online news portals in February 2020
In February, we conducted a survey covering 13 news portals grouped into three categories: general...
Emotional ad positioning and emotional ads
Emotywne pozycjonowanie reklam, czyli targetowanie reklam wg emocji od niedawna nabrało nowego...
Emotions in words: using Sentimenti in the advertising and marketing sector
Emotions and marketing? Communication with clients and contractors, searching for new customers...
Communication with a client on Facebook. How do banks do it?
Are banks allowed to express emotions in their communication with their clients or is it in bad...
What emotions make the social entry popular?
Not only our analyses show from time to time that the more emotions we show, the more we receive...