In the media about us

Puls Biznesu | SpeedUp wants to predict stock prices
Intro: The fund has backed Sentimenti, a company that forecasts bitcoin quotes, among other things, based on the emotionality of online postings, with capital. It is preparing it for another round. Author: Mariusz Bartodziej Place and Date of publication: Puls...
Vaccine misinformation on social media – topic-based content and sentiment analysis of Polish vaccine-deniers’ comments on Facebook
Place of publication: Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 2021 Title: Vaccine misinformation on social media – topic-based content and sentiment analysis of Polish vaccine-deniers’ comments on Facebook Authors: Krzysztof Klimiuk, Agnieszka Czoska,...
Pfizer or Moderna? AstraZeneca or Johnson? Sentiment and emotion around vaccines
The topic of vaccines, and specifically the differences between them, arouses great emotion. Analysis of Google search phrases shows that the public is still looking for information on the differences between preparations of different manufacturers. "Which vaccine to...
Mapping WordNet onto human brain connectome in emotion processing and semantic similarity recognition
Place of publication: Information Processing & Management, 2021 Title: Mapping WordNet onto human brain connectome in emotion processing and semantic similarity recognition Authors: Jan Kocoń, Marek Maziarz Abstract: In this article we extend a WordNet structure...
Emotion and Sentiment Analysis in 18 Languages Effective as Never Before
Emotion analysis is the primary (next to sentiment and emotional arousal analysis, of course) function of the science-based Sentimenti tools we have been developing for many years. With the new year our solution has grown in value and can handle perfectly not only...
We talk about emotions with Krzysztof Wojewodzic (CEO Escola)
At Krzysztof's invitation, we talk about emotion in business. Recorded in Polish only 🖤.
Cyberpunk 2077: Could CD Projekt’s share price drop have been predicted?
Cyberpunk 2077 has already premiered, and the emotions surrounding this event are extreme. The inspiration for this comparative analysis came from the comments surrounding a post made by Michał Sadowski, the creator of BRAND24, on his private Facebook profile. The...
Sanah and the “Drama Queen”. Song lyrics as a conglomeration of feelings and emotions
Sanah is an artist who is more and more widely known in Poland. In many reviews we can read that she is extraordinary, a true perfectionist and a real revelation on our music scene. It is enough to read the comments under her recordings on YouTube to notice how many...
Product reviews and the emotions within them. Why are they so important?
Product reviews are extremely important for businesses. It doesn't matter if it's a local small business or a large conglomerate. Every business wants to climb to the top of the rankings on Google and inspire consumer confidence. It also wants online reviews to be...
Sentistocks enters the market with a very fresh approach to crypto analysis. Sentimenti & CoinPaprika cooperation
Sentistocks emerges on the market with a very innovative approach to crypto analysis. The Sentimenti project focuses on the use of 8 emotions measurement and arousal to accurately predict the price trend of market assets. From now on it has collaborated with leading...